
Drug Trafficking in Texas

Texas takes its commitment of prosecuting drug traffickers very seriously with a variety of punishments that suit the severity of the crime.


Drug Use & Abuse On The Rise

What is illegal and how strict the penalties are for being caught vary from state to state. It’s a given that things like ecstasy and LSD are illegal, but so is taking prescription drugs without a prescription.


Criminals Who Manufacture Drugs Are Entitled to Defense

There are times in a person’s life when the call of millions of dollars is far too strong to resist. Those who choose to manufacture drugs to obtain those millions are still entitled to the finest criminal defense possible.


Know What Makes a Good Criminal Attorney

Knowing what to look for in a competent criminal defense lawyer may come in handy in case something goes drastically wrong. Life has a way of throwing curves when they are least expected.


Criminal and Civil Law Cases Are Different

Not a lot of people truly appreciate the differences between a civil and a criminal case. This is largely due to the fact that most of the cases making the media, or are portrayed on TV, are criminal cases.


Mail Theft, the Number One White Collar Crime

You might not know this, but when you find out the reasons for mail theft being about the number one white-collar crime, you’ll understand why. One in three cases of identity theft happens when mail is stolen.